SIGNATURE CAKE ORDER FORM Name * First Name Last Name Phone * (###) ### #### Email * Pick-up Date * Must be 48 hours from date order is placed. STANDARD PICK UPS ARE ONLY AVAILABLE AT OUR PORT CHESTER, NY LOCATION FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY Additional Fees will apply for pick ups outside of the Fri-Sun and for orders to our Somers Store MM DD YYYY Pick-up Time Earliest Pick up is 2pm Fri, 12pm Sat and Sun Please select your cake size * 8" Round. Feeds 12-14. $70 1/4 Sheet. Feeds 18-22. $95 Please choose type of Signature Cake B-Dough Chocolate/Vanilla Nutella S'mores Rainbow Cookie Decor Color * Blue Pink Purple Green Orange Yellow Teal Red Special instructions Please tell us the message you'd like on your cake PAYMENT * Choose credit card type Mastercard Visa American Express Enter 16-digit credit card number * CCV * Expiration Date * Billing Zip Code * Thank you for placing your order. You will receive a payment confirmation email within 24hrs. If you have any questions please email or call our store 914 481 5712.